“In God we trust, all others must bring data.”
– W. Edwards Deming
Why choose us?
Current Methods of Instruction
According to Indeed.com, the best training methods target all three learning styles (Visual: learning by seeing; Auditory: learning by hearing; Kinesthetic: learning by doing). Training should be tailored to them and presented in a style that works best for them. Here is a list of the eight most effective employee training methods:
- Technology-based learning
- Simulators
- On-the-job training
- Coaching/mentoring
- Instructor-led training
- Roleplaying
- Films and videos
- Case studies
Our Methods
Pick your mode and pick your class. We offer four different modes of instruction: Instructor-Led, Live! Online, Video, and virtual Reality (vR) . If one of these doesn’t meet your needs, we also have blended options! Just in case that wasn’t enough variety, we also offer multiple class options as well. These include Lean/Six Sigma White Belt (WB), Lean/Six Sigma Yellow Belt (YB), Lean/Six Sigma Yellow Belt/ Lean Apprentice (YBLA), Lean/Six Sigma Green Belt (GB), Lean/Six Sigma Black Belt (BB), Lean/Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Lean Journeyman (LJ), Lean Master (LM), Root-Cause Analysis (RCA), Quality by Design (QbD), and Design for Lean/Six Sigma (DfSS)!
Not only are the Instructor-Led and Live! Online classes offered publicly, but they are also offered privately, on-site, for your organization. Each of our classes can be further customized to meet your specific requirements.
Through a combination of instructor led presentations, videos, games, and real-world case studies/simulations students will hear, see, and interact with the subject providing a richer educational experience. Further, through follow-up coaching, students will not only get affirmation regarding their mastery of the topic but also complete a project thereby receiving meaningful on the job training
Unlike traditional instructor led training, students can review the materials as often as desired, but should finish quickly to insure passage of both the end of module quiz and the exam at the end of class. Additionally, Our vR and Video based training are self-paced, small, 1 hour, micro-learning modules.
By implementing this unique instructional design, OPEX Viewpoint employs 7 of the 8 methods of instruction; those listed in blue!
Sample our vR Class
LSS Yellow Belt Introduction
This is a 5 minute vR video and is best seen in a 360 degree format. Use your mouse to navigate anywhere in the room!
Diremit mundi mare undae nunc mixtam tanto sibi. Nubes unda concordi. Fert his. Recessit mentes praecipites locum caligine sui egens erat. Silvas caeli regna.